Getting Started is Easy


You have little time to spend on evaluating Solar PV. We strive to take a minimum amount of your time and provide you with everything needed to fully assess the value of Solar PV for your company. There are three basic steps:


Step 1

Preliminary Project Evaluation

Provides a project description, an estimate of the power that will be produced and a preliminary financial package showing energy cost savings and projected ROI - you provide the following:

  • Complete our Questionnaire electronically or by phone – our professionals are available to help whenever needed
  • Provide a history of your energy costs
  • Short-term access to your facility may or may not be required

Step 2

Project Proposal

When the Preliminary Project Proposal is acceptable to you we will quickly provide you with the following:

  • Turnkey project cost before and after renewable energy tax incentives
  • Energy cost savings (net of all costs of operation)
  • Project plan
  • System layout
  • Options for financing, lease or a power purchase agreement and the resulting financial advantages
  • A turnkey contract for installation / startup of the System
  • Proposed O&M Agreement

Step 3

Final Project Acceptance

The final step is:

  • Determine how the project will be financed or if you prefer a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), along with terms and conditions of PPA
  • Timing on start and finish
  • Conclude formal acceptance

When Your Solar PV System is Operational a monitoring unit will provide you with a real time analysis of the energy being produced.