You Take Control Of Your Overhead Utility Costs, Spend Less, And Get A Solid ROI
- Onsite Solar PV can replace 75% or more of the power you currently purchase from your utility
- Peak Energy Demand Charges can be greatly reduced or eliminated
- Your power costs will be fixed for the life of the project (approximately 30 years), an offer that utilities are incapable of matching
- Renewable energy federal tax incentives will offset approximately 50% of capital costs when installed prior to end of 2019
- With generous tax incentives, simple payback for solar projects ranges between 5-7 years for most for-profit businesses looking to buy systems outright
It's a good investment
Photovoltaics and Distributed Solar Generation (energy produced and used in same location) have redefined expectations, reduced costs, and rocked the century-old utility business model. Solar costs have dropped nearly 50% in just the past few years and customer options are no longer limited. Today, customers can access a broad range of solar solutions, including:
- Onsite (distributed) solar systems
- Offsite Solar PPA - Frequently off-site, solar systems are larger and can achieve better economies of scale
- Independent Energy Producer (IEP)
- Project Partnerships
In a business environment focused relentlessly on reducing operating costs, these new opportunities allow businesses to address volatile energy costs. While these are sophisticated solutions, E8 Solar has the experience and skills to help your company to achieve sustainability goals and lowers overall energy costs.
80 years of combined solar energy experience and 500 mega watts of successful solar energy projects
From large ( 6.7 mega watts) to small (50 KW) E8 has helped over 58 satisfied customers including: Apple One, City of Charlotte, Paris Island, VA Hospital, South Carolina University, NASA Administration building, Department of Energy, Camp Lejeune and EMU University
Carolina Friends School
Durham, North Carolina
CATS Bus Maintenance Facility
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA
Schletter Carport
Progress Solar One
Bunn, NC
Camp Lejeune
Jacksonville, NC
HCE Johnston 1
Willow Springs, NC
Raleigh, NC